Indonesia Traditional Food - Gado-Gado

Gado-Gado : Special Taste For Mixing

Ingredients To Making Gado Gado :
boiled beans 150 grams , cut short according to taste
fried tempeh and slice 150 gram boxes
150 grams of curly lettuce , sliced ​​into small pieces
boiled chicken eggs as much as 3 points . Each grain split into two .
Red tomatoes 1 only. Cut into 6-8 pieces .
boiled cabbage and sliced ​​as well as 150 gam . Do not forget , tulangkolnya discarded ( the hard part cabbage )
raw tofu ( which is white ) and then sliced ​​fried sebanyak150 gam
sprouts / sprouts 150 grams .
cooking oil
Cucumbers are a fruit , cut into pieces . Do not use bitter cucumber .

Seasoning ingredients to make peanut sauce :
fresh red chilli puree number three ( 3 ) pieces
garlic puree number five ( 5 ) cloves
Brol nuts / peanuts 250 grams
Tamarind water three ( 3 ) tablespoons
vegetable oil two ( 2 ) tablespoons
kaffir lime leaves a total of five ( 5 ) pieces
salt to taste or 1 tsp .
Thick coconut milk 500 milli liter . If you want to use their own oil , coconut milk taken is half of the shredded coconut
brown sugar 50 grams . Thinly sliced ​​so you can easily mix with other herbs .

How to Make Gado Gado :
First make a peanut sauce first . Roasted peanuts then newly smoothed skin removed
Tumislah red chilli , lime leaves , and garlic until fragrant .
Add coconut milk and roasted peanuts earlier then stir until boiling .
Give tamarind water , salt , and brown sugar . Stir and cook briefly . then set aside .
Tempeh and tofu fried until dry . Brewed with hot water sprouts .
Prepare the ingredients that have been boiled , as taode , cabbage , lettuce , cucumbers , tomatoes , and eggs , coupled with tempeh and tofu . Tata neatly on a plate .
Then flush with peanut sauce made ​​earlier . Gado gado is ready to be eaten .

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How to make gado gado recipe | Oh yeah , if you can add shrimp crackers or chips melinjo on it . Because it is common if gado gado coupled with it . So first recipe that I can post . Other Indonesian cuisine menu Insha Allah I will post again on the next day